Discover how we grew our YouTube Shorts channels to over 3,900,000,000+ Views in the past 12 months, with our carefully assembled Private Systems & Workflows! (+Optional AI Tools)
Comprehensive lectures revealing all systems and workflows that are responsible for generate traffic.
The whole blueprint we used to generate over 3,900,000,000+ views across our automated channels.
Our Revenue Maximization & Monetization process that rapidly amplifies our income per channel!
Our 24/7 Live (Global) Support assuring you have our assistance whenever you need it.
Learn how my YouTube Shorts Channels generated almost 4+ Billion Views (combined) in just 12 Months
Use our blueprint to generate an avalanche of automated traffic for your offer, product or service!
Earn an additional Ad Revenue Income as a "side effect" from the traffic you generate! (2025)
Explore how we grew our channels with Automation & AI Tools, as well as Custom Systems & Workflows
Copy and paste our exact systems and processes for automating our YouTube Shorts Channels (2024)
Gain access to our paid course YouTube Automation Systems completely free! (Early Bird Only)
An average monthly product sales (physical and digital) made from my traffic generating Shorts channels
Channels that are generating traffic for my offers & products are also bringing huge sponsorship revenue
Scaling your income the right way by cross promoting your channels and traffic sources + Creating a product
Learn how to build an automated Shorts Channel from scratch, generate an avalanche of semi-targeted traffic for your business, product or offer, and even get paid by Google to do so!
Automated YouTube Shorts:
Learn how to build an automated shorts channel from scratch using our detailed case study collection.
Automated Traffic Avalanche: Generate an avalanche of targeted traffic that you can channel to your offer, product or a service.
Automated YouTube Revenue: Get paid by YouTube (Google) to generate the traffic for your own offers, products and services.
The real ins and outs of the YouTube Shorts algorithm that only certain professional algorithm exploiters know, but none talk about openly. (Major 2025 Update)
Learn exactly how to literally force YouTube shorts to go viral and not rely on the courtesy of YouTube!
Discover my private method for getting video engagement and social shares rapidly fast on fresh channels
Take a deep dive into my 900,000,000+ Views faceless YouTube Shorts channel exclusive case study!
Scaling teams, systems and number of channels in order to fully utilize the opportunity of YouTube Shorts
Using the latest technologies has allowed me to scale some of my channels extremely fast
"Good actionable information that actually works is hard to find online these days, Dave is on a completely different level with this platform 🔥"
"This platform is superior! I have a 4.0 in my MBA program from the University of Texas, much of which was taught online, so it's easy for me to spot if an online course is good or not. Way to go, it has helped me so, so much!"
"I can easily see how this platform can save someone years of struggle. Dave is one of the guys that actually helped me start my own YouTube channel and grow it to over 70,000 subscribers."
"The strategies shown in Automation Systems will easily cut your learning curve like crazy! I wish I had access to this information in 2019 before I built my YouTube Empire."
"Dave’s understanding of the YouTube algorithm is incredible, the strategies he shared inside the course helped me grow my channel to 50,000+ subscribers in less than a year."
The Results will be updated every 30-45 days, depending on when the students that are participating in this analysis submit their YouTube Ad Revenue & Product/Service Sales results for that month.
Students enrolled in the Pre-Launch Stage
Combined Revenue made only from Sponsorships & Offer Sales
(Excluding additional income from Channel's Ad Revenue as well as students who didn't want to participate in this analysis.)
The most comprehensive learning experience combined with automation & AI tools, systems, processes, and workflows that gained me over 3,900,000,000+ Views in only 12 months.